Power & Energy

The power and energy sector is recognized today as a vital requirement for industry and overall growth. Sri Lanka’s energy sector has been well researched and considerable in-country expertise gained in the process of conventional energy. Sri Lanka has further experimented with alternative and community owned power options and today mechanisms are in place for private holders to sell power to the national grid.

Having provided consulting services in the Power and Energy sector for over two decades, RDC has the required work experience and access to experts to address both large and small-scale energy related programs.

The Sri Lanka Energy Sector Development Plan For A Knowledge-Based Economy 2015 – 2025 sets out as its vision the following –

The power and energy sector vision is to capture the full potential of all renewable and other indigenous resources in order for Sri Lanka to become a nation self-sufficient in energy.

With sound expertise and good networks RDC is well placed to facilitate delivery of services in the power and energy sector.

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